Are you a Mom struggling with your teen's mental health challenges?

Stop feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, and like you failed as a mom.

Build a stronger connection with your teen and experience hope, support, and calm, without sacrificing your own well-being.

This is for moms who know how hard it can be to care for a teen with mental health challenges. I’m here to help YOU:

  • prioritize your self-care and

  • provide support in a safe group environment so you can be the best mom possible for your teen.

Hey, I’m Laurie, founder of Staying Active Health & Wellness, I understand firsthand the challenges of being a mom with a struggling teen. I started this journey from a place of exhaustion, overwhelm, and hopelessness. But I discovered that by prioritizing my own mental health and well-being through simple self-care practices and being part of a supportive community of like-minded moms, everything changed. Now, I'm here to empower you. Through my online course and group support, I'll guide you to prioritize self-care, build resilience, form new friendships and cultivate a stronger connection with your teen. Together, let's transform your relationship and bring hope, peace, and calm back into your home.

Download my FREE Journal Guide